PLAXIS 3D LE 岩土工程分析軟體

PLAXIS 3D LE 是一套群昱公司代理的岩土工程分析軟體,岩土工程分析的應用提供了市場領先的優勢。

PLAXIS LE 可用於涉及斜坡穩定性、地下水流、固結或這些複雜場景組合的工程分析的項目。利用自動化技術、數據管理到分析工作流程,以及訪問綜合分析方法來尋找解決方案。

使用 PLAXIS LE,您可以:


PLAXIS 2D LE(以前稱為 2D SVSLOPE、2D SVFLUX、2D SVSOLID、SV SOILS 和 SVSOILS Advanced)涵蓋您的 2D 工作流程。PLAXIS 3D LE(以前稱為 2D/3D SVSLOPE、2D/3D SVSLOPE Advanced、2D/3D SVFLUX、2D/3D SVSOLID 和 2D/3D SVSOLID Advanced)支持您的 3D 工作程。

  • 建立並重新使用模型批處理運行文件(10/2011)

  • 直接從3D模型創建1D模型 (10/2011)

  • 從高程等高線生成區域多邊形(10/2011)

  • 透過文件選單(10/2011)完成模型切換庫的切換 (10/2011)

  • 透過在現有幾何點上繪製線段(2011年9月),區域幾何圖形現在可以“連接到現有幾何圖形”(09/2011)

  • 新的管理器佈局使得使用和尋找模型更容易、更直觀 (08/2011)

  • 使用各種選項搜索模型的高級尋找功能 (08/2011)
  • 3D模型幾何現在可以被指定為一系列兩個或多個擠壓橫截面(07/2011)

  • 增加了對1D模型中粒子追踪的支援(07/2011)

  • 增加了對錶格數據SMOOTH qualifier的支援(07/2011)

  • 在每個地區輸入源/匯(07/2011)

  • 將背景圖像加載到現有模型中(對站點輪廓圖和航拍照片有用) (06/2011)

  • 增加了對Surfer ASCII網格文件格式的支援 (06/2011)

  • 用於計算區域交叉點的新對話框 (06/2011)

  • Streamtrace generation 現在可以取消或限制範圍 (06/2011)

  • Rendering speed and memory usage 改善 (04/2011)

  • 在後端同時顯示兩個不同的變量作為iso-surfaces (03/2011)

  • 修改輪廓和節點標籤顯示設置 (02/2011)

  • Acumesh的PDF輸出現在生成3D模型的矢量數據而不是位圖 (02/2011)

  • 將GSI材料導入SVOffice時的其他改進 (02/2011)
  • 在產品特性頁面上查看具體的產品功能改善: SVFlux™, Chemflux™, SVSlope®, SVAirflow™, SVHeat™, & SVSolid™


  • 3D analysis allows analysis of a broader range of applications:

    • Seepage / Groundwater Modeling – Heap Leach Modeling,
      Tailings Pond Modeling, Dam Design and Analysis, Soil Cover Modeling,
      and more…

    • Stress and Deformation Modeling – Foundation Design, Tunnel Design, Anchor Design, Slab on Ground Modeling, and more…

    • Freeze and Thaw Modeling – Pipe Design, Roadways, Mining, and more…

    • Air Flow Modeling – Foundation Vapor Intrusion, Soil Air Phase Modeling, and more…

    • Contaminant Transport Modeling – Contaminant Migration, Waste Containment Modeling, and more…

  • Comprehensive statistical analysis allows the modeling solution to be presented in a comprehensive way

  • Handling of conductive and convective heat fluxes

  • Climatic boundary conditions

  • Material properties may be set to vary spatially in any particular region of the model domain in SVFlux™ and SVSlope®

  • Coupled saturated/unsaturated slope stability analysis can be performed using SVFlux™ and SVSlope®

  • Comprehensive probabilistic analysis can be performed with SVSlope® and SVFlux™

  • Slope stability analysis can be performed using both
    classic method of slices methods and newer stress-based methods allowing
    greater confidence in the results

  • Advanced model coupling: Multiple processes may now be fully coupled between the numerical packages

    • Coupling of water/thermal phases allows more
      comprehensive analysis of i) cover designs and, ii) waste rock flow, and
      iii) various other applications.

    • Coupled density-dependant flow allows handling of
      salt-water/ fresh water potash mine tailings scenarios and tidal inflow

  • Advanced elasto-plastic soil models such as Von Mises, Druker-Praeger allow analysis of plastic materials
  • Training time is minimized through an extensive integrated help system and easy-to-use graphical user interface

  • Large library of example models

  • Documentation of example models in our Example Manuals

  • Time savings through the following features:

    • Automatic Mesh Generation – Don’t worry about creating the problem mesh, this is automatic.

    • Automatic Mesh Refinement – Don’t worry about adding mesh density to sensitive zones, this is automatic.

    • Geometry Imports – 2D and 3D problems can be defined quickly.

    • Right-click menus for access to context-sensitive commands

    • Online Manuals – All of our manuals are available online
      with context-sensitive help. Just hit F1 when a dialog box is open to
      read its help contents.

  • Kriging can now be applied per region, as opposed to the entire model

  • Added surface, contour preview graphs to visualize Kriged data before applying it to a model

  • Region coloring in the back end can now use the material colors instead of the defaults

  • Layer thicknesses can now be contoured in the front end

  • PLANE and surface data can now be entered using point, dip and direction

  • Surface data can now be defined, filtered or blanked per-region when editing surfaces

  • DXF now supports selecting multiple DXF layers when importing scatter data, reading AutoCAD layer data, and LWPOLYLINES with elevation data specified

  • Added support for critical timesteps in FlexPDE

  • All dialogs with unit displays can now be clicked on to display unit comparisons (example: meters to feet)

  • Region boundaries can now be highlighted in the back end for 3D

  • Anchors can now be visualized in the back end

  • Added support for importing shape files (SHP) and ESRI ASCII grid files into surface, initial conditions dialogs

  • PDF export improvements which include generating engineering reports directly from SVOffice

  • Material properties can be imported from GeoStudio models

  • Additional polygonization methods added to surface intersection tool

  • Additional art objects now available

  • River boundaries are forced to the edges of the model

  • Added support to display individual surfaces in Acumesh

  • Plots in the Plot Manager can now be reordered by the user

  • Improvements to the region finder algorithm (that finds a region as the intersection between surfaces)

  • Art polygons can now be drawn on a model or in AcuMesh

  • Creation of a 3D model extruded from a 2D model cross section

  • Tutorial sidebar provides quick reference to basic model steps right in the CAD view

  • Planar Geometry

  • Spatially varying soil properties aids in improving the calculation of factors of safety

  • Climatic analysis in the unsaturated / vadose zone is available by coupling ChemFlux™ with SVFlux™, SVHeat™ with SVFlux™, SVSlope® with SVFlux™, or by importing pore-water pressures from SVFlux™

  • Rapid drawdown of reservoir levels by the effective stress method is available by coupling SVSlope® with SVFlux™

  • Rapid drawdown (RDD) analysis with the Duncan (1990) three-stage total stress method is also available



