stata 17 統計分析軟體

stata 17 是一套群昱公司代理的統計分析軟體,一套完整、綜合的統計套裝軟體,可透過最簡易的指令操作與最完整的下拉式選單,輕鬆地完成各種資料處理、統計分析運算與圖形編輯。它提供使用者所需的各種統計分析、資料管理與繪圖功能。


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   Stata will run on the platforms listed below. While Stata software is platform-specific, your Stata license is not; therefore, you need not specify your operating system when placing your order for a license.

Learn about running Stata on a dual-core, multicore, or multiprocessor computer.


Stata for Windows®

  • Windows 10 *
  • Windows 8 *
  • Windows 7 *
  • Windows Vista *
  • Windows Server 2016, 2012, 2008, 2003 *

* 64-bit and 32-bit Windows varieties for x86-64 and x86 processors made by Intel® and AMD
Find out if your OS is 64-bit compliant.

Stata for Mac®

Stata for Linux

  • Any 64-bit (x86-64 or compatible) or 32-bit (x86 or compatible) running Linux
  • For xstata, you need to have GTK 2.24 installed

Hardware requirements

    Package Memory Disk space
    Stata/MP 4 GB 1 GB
    Stata/SE 2 GB 1 GB
    Stata/IC 1 GB 1 GB


