LISREL 10.3 for Windows 結構模式分析軟體

LISREL 10.3 for Windows是一套群昱公司代理的結構方程模式軟體,被公認為最專業的結構方程模組(Structural Equation Modeling,簡稱 SEM)分析工具。通過運用路徑圖 ( Path Diagram,又稱通徑圖 ) 直觀地構造結構模型是LISREL 的一個重要特點。在 LISREL 中,新增針對複雜調查資料的統計模型並且在圖型繪製上更為容易。


 LISREL for Windows – A brief overview

During the last forty five years, the LISREL model, methods and software have become synonymous with structural equation modeling (SEM). SEM allows researchers in the social sciences, management sciences, behavioral sciences, biological sciences, educational sciences and other fields to empirically assess their theories. These theories are usually formulated as theoretical models for observed and latent (unobservable) variables. If data are collected for the observed variables of the theoretical model, the LISREL program can be used to fit the model to the data.

Today, however, LISREL for Windows is no longer limited to SEM. The latest LISREL for Windows includes the following statistical applications.


  • LISREL for structural equation modeling.
  • PRELIS for data manipulations and basic statistical analyses.
  • MULTILEV for hierarchical linear and non-linear modeling.
  • SURVEYGLIM for generalized linear modeling.
  • MAPGLIM for generalized linear modeling for multilevel data.


The 32-bit application LISREL is intended for:

  • Standard structural equation modeling
  • Multilevel structural equation modeling

These methods are available for the following data types:

  • Complete and incomplete complex survey data on categorical and continuous variables
  • Complete and incomplete simple random sample data on categorical and continuous variables


PRELIS is a 32-bit application which can be used for:

  • Data manipulation
  • Data transformation
  • Data generatiion
  • Computing moment matrices
  • Computing asymptotic covariance matrices of sample moments
  • Imputation by matching
  • Multiple imputation
  • Multiple linear regression
  • Logistic regression
  • Univariate and multivariate censored regression
  • ML and MINRES exploratory factor analysis


MULTILEV fits multilevel linear and nonlinear models to multilevel data from simple random and complex survey designs. It allows for models with continuous and categorical response variables.


SURVEYGLIM fits Generalized LInear Models (GLIMs) to data from simple random and complex survey designs.
Models for the following sampling distributions are available.

  • Multinomial
  • Bernoulli
  • Binomial
  • Negative Binomial
  • Poisson
  • Normal
  • Gamma
  • Inverse Gaussian


MAPGLIM implements the Maximum A Priori (MAP) method to fit generalized linear models to multilevel data.

News about LISREL

  • LISREL 9 is Compatible with Windows 10. It has been tested on Windows 10 and no problems were reported.


  • LISREL 9 is Compatible with Windows 8. It has been tested on Windows 8 and no problems were reported.


  • LISREL for Windows is Compatible with Windows 7. It has successfully passed Microsoft designed tests for compatibility and reliability on Windows 7. It can be used on both the 32-bit and 64-bit editions. Compatible with Windows 7 products install without worry and run reliably with Windows 7.


LISREL 9.2 被公認為最為專業的結構方程建模 (Structural Equation Modeling, 簡稱 SEM) 分析工具。通過運用路徑圖 (Path Diagram,又稱通徑圖)直觀地構造結構模型是LISREL的一個重要特點。經過30多年的完善和發展,該軟體已不僅僅局限于對結構方程模型的處理。在LISREL 8.8中,該套裝軟體包括以下功能。新增了多層次分析(Multilevel Modeling) 、廣義線性模型 (Generalized Linear Regression, 又稱通用線性模型)等功能。

  • LISREL 用於處理結構方程模型(structural equation modeling)
  • PRELIS 用於基本的資料處理和簡單的統計分析。
  • MULTILEV 用於線性和非線性階層模型分析(hierarchical linear and non-linear modeling)
  • SURVEYGLIM 用於廣義線性模型(generalized linear modeling)的分析和處理。.
  • MAPGLIM 用於廣義分層線性模型(generalized linear modeling for multilevel data)的處理。
  • CATFIRM 用於順序因變數的formative inference-based recursive模型處理。
  • CONFIRM 用於連續因變數的 formative inference-based recursive模型處理。


Our best-known products include:

  • LISREL 9 The pioneering software for structural equation modeling now includes statistical methods for complex survey data. Create path diagrams in an easy to use interface and generate syntax directly from the diagram. The latest LISREL for Windows includes the following statistical applications.
    • LISREL for structural equation modeling.
    • PRELIS for data manipulations and basic statistical analyses.
    • MULTILEV for hierarchical linear and non-linear modeling.
    • SURVEYGLIM for generalized linear modeling.
    • MAPGLIM for generalized linear modeling for multilevel data.
  • HLM 7 Hierarchical data modeling with power. The latest version includes an improved interface, HTML output, and new statistical features such as cross-classified random effects for linear models for three-level data, and linear and nonlinear models for four-level data.
  • SuperMix 1 Mixed-effect program that combines MIXREG, MIXOR, MIXNO and MIXPREG; allows two- and three-level models. Easy to use graphical user interface.
  • Item Response Theory Our group of item analysis programs (BILOG-MG, IRTPRO, and PARSCALE) now feature friendly, new Windows graphical user interfaces. They are all the tools you will need to perform a wide variety of analyses on many different types of tests and items.


