PAR WCST 威斯康辛卡片分類測驗

PAR WCST 威斯康辛卡片分類測驗主要是評估抽象分類的能力以及概念形成與轉換的能力,藉此測驗亦可得知持續反應及學習能力的表現,測驗的結果與計劃能力的彈性以及計劃組織能力有關,可測量大腦的額葉功能。



  • 完成WCST需要有能力在不斷變化的刺激條件下制定和維護適當的解決問題的策略,以實現未來的目標。
  • 與其他抽象措施不同,WCST提供了整體成功的客觀衡量標準,並確定了任務難度的特定來源(例如,初始概念化無效,持久化,未能保持認知集,測試階段的低效學習)。
  • 當使用更全面的能力測試時,WCST有助於區分額葉與非額葉損傷。




  • 提供原始分數到標準化標準,百分位數和T分數轉換。
  • 規範數據來自899名正常兒童,青少年和成年人的樣本。


現在以DVD格式,該教程提供了由Robert K. Heaton博士開發的標準WCST管理和評分程序的詳細培訓。培訓包對於正在學習管理這種多方面的神經心理學儀器的個人特別有幫助。對於有經驗的臨床醫生和心理測量師也是一個很好的評價。

提供西班牙語版本 WCST也提供歐洲西班牙語


Wisconsin Card Sorting Test®-64 Card Version

The WCST-64 uses only the first 64 WCST cards, shortening the administration time for most individuals while retaining the task requirements of the standard version. The WCST-64 also eliminates variability in the number of cards administered, facilitating straightforward comparisons of test-retest stability and comparisons of individual test results with normative and validity data.

During standardization, individual WCST protocols were obtained and rescored based on the first 64 cards. Normative, reliability, and validity data are derived from the same samples used in the standard WCST and described in the revised and expanded WCST manual.

WCST-64 raw scores with corresponding demographically corrected normative data (452 children and adolescents and 445 adults) are provided, along with explicit instructions for standardized administration and scoring, in the WCST-64 Card Version Professional Manual.


Wisconsin Card Sorting Test®: Spanish With Norms

The WCST materials, including the manual, have been translated into Spanish and designed especially for Spanish-speaking clinicians and their clients.

Instrument has been translated into European Spanish. No English-language materials are included.

Normative data were collected primarily in Spain, with additional data collected in some Latin American countries. As a result, norms may not generalize to Spanish-speaking groups in the U.S.

Certain test items and stimuli in this translation vary from the English version because of cultural and linguistic differences between the countries and their language.

English-language WCST software is not compatible with this translation.

Note: Due to licensing restrictions, this product may not be sold by PAR in Spain, Central America, or South America.


Wisconsin Card Sorting Test® Computer Version 4–Research Edition

This software provides unlimited scoring and reporting for administered WCST protocols and allows you to administer the WCST on-screen. It is considered a research edition because the norms included were obtained using the pencil-and-paper version of the WCST—not the computer version.

Features and benefits

As you enter item responses from a previously administered WCST, the software presents only the possible valid responses to each card, preventing certain errors in data entry.

During on-screen administration, the software automatically tells the respondent (by both an audible response in English and an on-screen message in one of 10 user-definable languages) whether the choice was correct or incorrect.

The clinician can select all the valid dimensions to which the client was matching or simply click on any one of the valid dimensions; the software will automatically record any other dimension matches for that card.

Reports include demographic information and test performance variables; WCST raw scores and corresponding age- and education-corrected standard scores, T scores, and percentile scores for major WCST variables; and, for individuals ages 20-89 years, a comparison to normative scores derived from an age-matched sample based on 1995 U.S. Census data.

Scoring and reporting only is also available

A separate program, the WCST:CV4™ Scoring Program, includes only the scoring and reporting features of the WCST:CV4; it does not administer the WCST on-screen.


WCST:CV4™ Scoring Program

This software provides all the scoring and reporting features of the full WCST:CV4™. The program does not administer the WCST on-screen. The reports are more visually attractive and easier to read than those reports generated by earlier versions of the software.

The clinician enters the item responses from a previously administered WCST test. The software generates only the possible valid responses to each card, preventing certain errors in data entry. The clinician can select all the valid dimensions to which the client was matching, or he or she can click on any one of the valid dimensions and the software will automatically record any other dimension matches for that card.


WCST-64™: Computer Version 2 Research Edition

This software provides unlimited scoring and reporting for administered WCST-64 protocols. You can administer the test on-screen, or you can enter the client’s responses from a previous administration. The software scores the test and generates a report that includes demographic information, raw scores, and corresponding age- and education-corrected standard scores for major WCST-64 variables. It is considered a research edition because the norms included were obtained using the pencil-and-paper version of the WCST-64—not the computer version.

A separate program, the WCST-64: Computer Version 2 Scoring Program (WCST-64:SP2™), includes only the scoring and reporting features of the WCST-64:CV2; it does not administer the WCST-64 on-screen.


WCST-64™: Computer Version Scoring Program–Version 2

This software provides all the scoring and reporting features of the full WCST-64:CV2. This program does not administer the WCST-64 on-screen; the clinician enters the responses from a previously administered paper-and-pencil version. The reports are more visually attractive and easier to read than those reports generated by earlier versions of the software.


Modified Wisconsin Card Sorting Test®

The M-WCST is a modification of the original Wisconsin Card Sorting Test that eliminates all cards from the original 128-card deck that share more than one attribute with a stimulus card. The resulting 48-card deck is used along with four stimulus cards to assess perseveration and abstract reasoning with minimal client frustration.

Administration and scoring have been simplified

Because the test is simpler than the original version, impaired and elderly adults can more easily understand the directions and complete the task.

Takes less time to administer than the WCST and can be scored in just 2-3 minutes.

Eliminates the illogical possibility of scoring correct responses as perseverative—all perseverative responses are classified as errors.

Four scores are provided: Number of Categories Correct, Number of Perseverative Errors, Number of Total Errors, and Percent of Perseverative Errors. An Executive Function Composite score can also be calculated.

Co-normed with the tests included in the Calibrated Neuropsychological Normative System™ (CNNS™); age-, sex-, and education-based norms are provided.

Sensitive to executive deficits and impaired problem solving

Highly sensitive to executive dysfunction in schizophrenia, with an effect size (Cohen’s d) of approximately 1.1— a marginal improvement over the original WCST.

Shows excellent sensitivity to impaired problem solving and perseverative reasoning in individuals with many other neurological conditions, including Parkinson’s disease, chronic alcoholism, subcortical vascular dementia, and mild cognitive impairment.

Has been found to detect executive deficits in individuals with bipolar disorder and major depression and in individuals genetically at risk of developing schizophrenia.

The Number of Categories Correct score has been shown to distinguish clinical patients from healthy controls. The Number of Categories Correct score and the Number of Perseverative Errors score have been found to distinguish patients with Alzheimer’s-type dementia from healthy elderly adults.



