Araxis Merge for Windows 檔案比較合併工具

Araxis Merge for Windows 是一套檔案比較合併工具,將檔案、資料夾同時合併的應用程式。它可以讓你從容的工作在幾個不同版本文件。利用顏色來區分出文件,更簡單的比較出類似或不同的檔案。便於軟體工程師和 web開發者使用,進行版本和質量控制,以創建 HTML 或是 XML 報告。


Araxis Merge 是一個視覺化的檔比較、合併和同步的應用程式,對軟體工程師和 web 網站開發者來說可以方便的快速精確地比較、瞭解和合併不同版本的原始檔案。Araxis Merge可進行版本和品質控制,創建HTML 或是XML報告.


For legal and publishing professionals:instantly identify every change between different contract or manuscript drafts. Directly open and compare the text from Microsoft Office (Word and Excel), OpenDocument, PDF and RTF files. Copy text from other applications (such as Microsoft Word) and paste it directly into a text comparison.

For software engineers and web developers: compare, understand and combine different source file versions. Work quickly and accurately, whether you are comparing individual files or reconciling entire branches of source code. Use three-way comparison to integrate changes made by you, and those made by a colleague, with a common ancestor version. Synchronize a website with its staging area via FTP using the supplied FTP plugin†.

For release and quality control managers: compare different source code branches to give total confidence that you know and understand every change made to every file for a specific release. Compare product releases to be certain that only the expected files have been modified. Create an HTML or XML report of changes for audit purposes.

For code reviewers and auditors:identify in context every change made between two or three source code hierarchies. Create a standalone HTML or XML report of your findings. Add bookmarks and comments to a file or folder comparison, then save it as a single-file archive for emailing to other team members for review.

Other users: Whether you are working with multiple revisions of text files or need to keep multiple folder hierarchies in sync (for example, between a desktop and laptop machine), Merge could help save time and reduce errors by helping you to work quickly and accurately.

Learn more:

† FTP plugin only available on Windows.


Merge enables you to compare and work with different revisions of text files, such as program source code, XML and HTML files. Merge can extract and compare the text from Microsoft Office, OpenDocument, PDF and RTF files. XML files can be shown with special formatting, helping you to see changes more clearly. It supports files with ASCII, MBCS and Unicode character encodings.

A colour-coded side-by-side comparison makes it easy to pinpoint at a glance similarities and differences between files. Linking lines are drawn between the documents showing clearly how they are related.

Point-and-click merging helps you choose the parts of each file that you would like to add to a final merged version by simply clicking buttons. The in-place editor with unlimited undo enables complete control over the merged file as you create it. The text comparison display dynamically updates as the merge progresses.

Merge shows detailed highlights of changes within lines. It can be configured to ignore differences in whitespace and line endings, as well as changes in lines matching specified regular expressions. The latter is useful for ignoring unimportant changes such as timestamps or expanded version control keywords.

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Extract and compare the text content from Microsoft Office, OpenDocument, PDF and RTF files. Copy text from other applications and paste directly into a text comparison. (Note that office document layout and formatting is not shown in text comparisons.)

Learn more:
  • Comparing Text Files (or Typed/Pasted Text): Windows, macOS


Merge doesn’t just compare text files. Use image comparison to compare many different types of image file and instantly see which pixels have been modified. Binary comparison enables you to identify differences in data files at a byte level.

Learn more:


Merge Professional adds advanced three-way visual file comparison and merging to the Standard Edition’s two-way visual file comparison and merging. This is particularly useful when more than one person is working on the same set of files.

Automatic Merging enables swift reconciliation of even the largest files. Three-way file comparisons can be launched directly from a three-way folder comparison, allowing efficient integration of entire branches of source code.

Learn more:


Merge supports folder hierarchy comparison and synchronization, enabling you to compare and merge entire directory trees. This is ideal for detecting changes in different versions of source code or web pages. You can even use the efficient byte-by-byte comparison option to verify the contents of recordable CDs or USB thumbsticks.

With support for a variety of archive formats (.zip, .tar, etc.), Merge enables you to compare archives as if they were folders†. Compare the contents of an archive to a folder to verify its contents, or to see which files have changed since the archive was created.

The Professional Edition of Merge supports three-way folder comparison (with automatic merging capability), enabling two revisions of a folder hierarchy to be merged with their common ancestor or some other folder hierarchy. This can be especially useful when used in conjunction with a source code control or software configuration management system.

Learn more:

† Archive support is only available on Windows.


As well as being able to compare files and folders on local drives and network shares, Merge comes with plugins for Git, Mercurial, Subversion and Perforce. In addition to providing read-only access to older versions of the files you are comparing, the plugins make it possible to perform a folder comparison of a local Perforce or Subversion client workspace against the repository. Alternatively, different branches (or the same branch at different points in time) within a repository can be directly compared. A similar plugin for AllChange† is available from Intasoft.

Merge integrates with local Time Machine‡ volumes, so you can open any earlier revision of a file or folder. Open the same file or folder in both the left and right comparison panes, then use the Versions button to compare a file or folder with another revision of itself.

An FTP plugin† gives Merge file and folder comparisons direct access to files located on an FTP server. It is therefore possible to use a folder comparison to synchronize a local copy of a website’s content with the main site itself, provided the main site is running an FTP server.

Learn more:

† AllChange and FTP plugins only available on Windows. ‡ Time Machine access only available on macOS.


File comparison reports can be created in HTML, HTML slideshow†, XML or UNIX diff format. HTML reports are particularly useful for archiving and distribution. Folder comparison reports can be created in HTML or XML format.

A folder comparison report can, optionally, include file comparison reports for some or all of the files involved in the folder comparison. Thus it is possible to generate a report that is a complete record of all the differences in all of the files involved in a folder comparison.

This is especially useful in code review and code audit situations, particularly as reports can be generated directly for files and folders in configuration management systems for which there is a Merge plugin.

Learn more:

† HTML slideshow reports only available on Windows.


Other features include the ability to print a hard copy of file and folder comparisons, and to customize the behaviour and appearance of the application, including fonts, colours, whether the display is split horizontally or vertically, and more.

A full Automation† or AppleScript‡ API and Command-Line Interface are included, allowing close integration with other applications (such as source/version control and software configuration management (SCM) systems) or your workflow.

Comprehensive online documentation is available from the Araxis website, including context-sensitive help for very dialog and dialog control.

Learn more:
  • Printing File Comparisons: Windows, macOS
  • Printing Folder Comparisons: Windows, macOS
  • Introduction to the Automation API: Windows
  • AppleScript API: macOS
  • Command-Line Reference: Windows, macOS
  • Integrating with Source Control, Configuration Management and Other Applications: Windows, macOS

† Automation API only available on Windows. ‡ AppleScript API only available on macOS.


A single licence entitles you to use Merge on both Windows and macOS – even simultaneously, if you wish.

Merge licences are perpetual. You can keep using the product you have purchased forever. Each licence also includes one year of entitlement to support and all product updates. After the first year, support/update entitlement can be renewed for just pennies a day.



Cross-platform licence Standard Professional A single licence enables you to use both the Windows and macOS versions of Merge.
64-bit version available Standard Professional Compare huge files (for example, 100 MB or larger) with the 64-bit version of Merge, able to take advantage of the potentially very large amounts of memory available on 64-bit systems running a 64-bit operating system.
Retina/high-DPI display support Standard Professional Make the most of Mac Retina displays and high-resolution PC screens utilizing 100%, 125%, 150% or 200% UI scaling.


File comparison and merging Instant Overview Standard Professional Learn how to compare and merge files with Merge in just a few minutes. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Two-way text comparison Standard Professional Identify insertions, removals and changes between different versions of source code, configuration files, XML documents, web pages or any other text file. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Two-way text merging Standard Professional Reconcile insertions, removals and changes between different versions of source code, configuration files, XML documents, web pages or any other text file. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Three-way comparison and merging Professional Compare and merge changes in two updated revisions of a file with their common ancestor (or any other file). Use to reconcile conflicting changes made to a set of files by multiple developers or to merge branches in a source code control or software configuration management system. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Directly open and compare text from Microsoft Office (Word and Excel), OpenDocument, PDF and RTF files Standard Professional Save time by directly loading and comparing popular file formats. Alternatively, you can copy text from other applications and paste it into a Merge text comparison window. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Support for archive files† Standard Professional Directly compare files contained within a variety of archive formats (.zip.tar, etc.). Discover: Windows
Special display formatting for XML and XHTML files Standard Professional See changes clearly in even the most densely formatted XML files without sacrificing the fidelity of a true textual comparison. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Binary file comparison Standard Professional Compare binary data files and see differences at the byte level. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Image file comparison Standard Professional Compare various types of image file and see precisely which pixels have been modified. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Syntax highlighting Standard Professional Better comprehend a wide range of source files with built-in syntax highlighting. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Reports in HTML, HTML slideshow, XML and UNIX diff format Standard Professional Create reports on file comparisons for archiving, distribution or export to other applications. Annotate HTML reports by adding bookmark comments. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Bookmarks and comments Standard Professional Mark points of interest. Annotate comparisons with comments and questions, before saving as a single-file archive to be emailed to other team members for review. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Single-file comparison archives Standard Professional Save a comparison to a single file for archival or later review, even on a different machine. Saved file comparisons include any bookmarks and associated comments that have been created, making it possible to annotate comparisons with questions and comments, before emailing them to other team members for review. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Comparison statistics window Standard Professional See a summary of the current comparison. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Integrated folder comparison Standard Professional Quickly and efficiently compare and merge all the files changed between different folder hierarchies. Process entire sets or branches of source code, web pages or other text files. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Point-and-click merging Standard Professional Copy inserted, removed or changed blocks of text from one file to another (or delete them) using a single mouse click. Files can be manually merged very quickly. Discover: WindowsmacOS
In-place editing Standard Professional Make fine-grained changes directly to the files being compared in the file comparison window itself. You do not have to open a separate editing window. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Linking lines Standard Professional Related blocks of text are graphically linked enabling you to see at a glance how files are related. Linking lines eliminate the need for blank padding lines to keep corresponding lines adjacent to one another. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Synchronization links Standard Professional Users may add synchronization links to tell Merge to re-synchronize the comparison at particular points. This is particularly useful in some complex comparison scenarios. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Side-by-side or horizontally-split display Standard Professional Display files side-by-side with linking lines or vertically, with one file above the other (useful for files with long lines). Discover: WindowsmacOS
Optional wrapping of long lines Standard Professional See all of the text within each line without having constantly to scroll from side-to-side. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Synchronized scrolling Standard Professional Related parts of files are kept aligned in the vertical centre of the file comparison display as any file is scrolled. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Highlighting of changes within lines Standard Professional Identify at-a-glance inserts, removals and changes made within lines down to the level of individual characters. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Automatic merging Professional Quickly and safely merge changes in two updated revisions of a file with a common ancestor (or any other file). Automatically merged text is marked with edit markers and any conflicting sections flagged for later manual processing. Automatic merging is an undoable operation, making it safe and easy to try an automatic merge speculatively to see exactly what it will do. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Mark selected lines as resolved Standard Professional Lines marked as resolved are dimmed (in the same way as following an automatic merge). This makes it easy to keep track of the areas of a file with which you are finished. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Unicode and MBCS support Standard Professional Compare and merge Unicode or MBCS encoded text files (ASCII files are also supported). Critical for working with many non-English language files. For the benefit of our Japanese customers, EUC-JP encoding is also supported. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Input method editor (IME) support Standard Professional Facilitates convenient entry and editing of text in character-rich Asia-Pacific languages. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Overview strips Standard Professional Provides an instant visual indication of the extent of the changes between files and where those changes occur. Clicking on a change in an overview strip will jump directly to that change. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Conflict highlighting Professional After an automatic merge, any conflicting sections of the files being merged are flagged for manual processing. Commands and shortcut keys are provided to jump between conflicts. Even difficult files can thus be processed swiftly using a combination of automatic and manual merging. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Edit markers Standard Professional Visual history of any changes (edits or copies from another file) made to a file during the merging process. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Bookmarks Standard Professional Makes it easy to mark and return to particular points of interest in a file. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Go to line Standard Professional Jump directly to a line using its line number. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Read-only and modified indicators Standard Professional Visual indication of whether a file is read-only and whether it has been modified since last saving. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Change summary Standard Professional Indicates the number of changes between each pair of files. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Column/line number indicator Standard Professional Identifies the current location of the cursor when editing a file. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Drag and drop files Standard Professional Open files by dragging from Windows Explorer or macOS Finder. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Printing support Standard Professional Produce a hard copy (or a PDF file on macOS, or on Windows using Adobe Acrobat Distiller) of comparisons for reference or audit. Printed comparisons contain all the highlighting and linking lines of the on-screen presentation. To save paper, you can choose to print just the pages that contain changes. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Print preview Standard Professional See how a comparison printout will look before committing it to paper. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Source code control and software configuration management integration Standard Professional Integrate Merge with popular editors, source code control, version control and software configuration management systems such as Mercurial, Git, Subversion and Perforce. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Automation API† Standard Professional Control Merge from other applications or integrate it with your workflow. Discover: Windows
AppleScript API‡ Standard Professional Control Merge from other applications or integrate it with your workflow. Discover: macOS
Virtual File System (VFS) API† Standard Professional Enables third parties to extend Merge to browse directly, for example, configuration management or version control repositories. Discover: Windows
.NET assembly† Standard Professional Embed text comparison and reporting capabilities in your .NET web applications. Discover: Windows
VFS plugin for Mercurial Standard Professional Gives Merge read-only access to files located in Mercurial repositories. Discover: WindowsmacOS
VFS plugin for Git Standard Professional Gives Merge read-only access to files located in Git repositories. Discover: WindowsmacOS
VFS plugin for Subversion Standard Professional Gives Merge read-only access to files and folders located in Subversion repositories. Use a Merge folder comparison to compare a Subversion client workspace against the depot. Discover: WindowsmacOS
VFS plugin for Perforce Standard Professional Gives Merge read-only access to files and folders located in Perforce depots. Use a Merge folder comparison to compare a Perforce client workspace against the depot. Alternatively, directly compare different branches (or the same branch at different points in time). Discover: WindowsmacOS
VFS FTP plugin† Standard Professional Enables Merge to access files and folders located on an FTP server. For example, use Merge to synchronize a local copy of a website’s content with the main site itself, provided the main site is running an FTP server. Discover: Windows
Command-line Standard Professional Control Merge from other applications or integrate it with your workflow using the dedicated command-line utility. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Flexible whitespace handling Standard Professional Prevents flagging of whitespace differences when whitespace is not considered important. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Flexible line ending support Standard Professional Allow intelligent cross-platform file sharing: work with files containing UNIX (LF), Windows (CR LF) or Mac (CR) style line endings. Choose whether to ignore differences in line endings when comparing files. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Display line ending characters Standard Professional Optionally see individual CR and LF characters to identify differences in multiple-platform originated files. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Regular expression support Standard Professional Ignore differences in comments, source code control keywords and other defined text patterns when comparing files. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Block indent/un-indent Standard Professional Easily set the correct indentation level of entire blocks of text when merging text from different files. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Find/Replace Standard Professional Search for, and optionally replace, specified text within a file or selection. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Customize fonts and colours Standard Professional Change the style of presentation to suit your preferences or needs. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Customize printed headers and footers Standard Professional Set the headers and footers of printed pages to suit your requirements. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Keyboard shortcuts Standard Professional Save time by controlling Merge using the keyboard. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Drag and drop text editing Standard Professional Conveniently move arbitrary text between files or within a file using the mouse. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Jump to next/previous change Standard Professional Quickly move between changes in a file using the mouse or keyboard shortcuts. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Replace file commands Standard Professional Conveniently replace the contents of one file with that of another. Useful when one revision is entirely correct and its contents need to be copied to another revision. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Tab strip Standard Professional Switch between multiple file comparison windows with a single mouse click. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Toolbars or ribbon† Standard Professional Easily access frequently used commands. Discover: WindowsmacOS

† Feature only available on Windows • ‡ Feature only available on macOS


Folder comparison and synchronization Instant Overview Standard Professional Learn how to compare and synchronize folders with Merge in a few minutes. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Two-way folder comparison Standard Professional Identify file insertions, removals and changes between two folder hierarchies. Efficiently process entire sets or branches of source code, web pages or other text files. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Three-way folder comparison Professional Identify file insertions, removals and changes between two folder hierarchies and a common ancestor (or some other) folder hierarchy. Use to reconcile conflicting changes made to a set of files by multiple developers or to merge branches in a source code control or software configuration management system. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Support for archive files† Standard Professional Compare a variety of archive formats (.zip.tar, etc.) as if they were folders. Compare the contents of an archive to a folder to verify its contents, or to see which files have changed since the archive was created. Discover: Windows
Automation API† Standard Professional Control Merge from other applications or integrate it with your workflow. Discover: Windows
AppleScript API‡ Standard Professional Control Merge from other applications or integrate it with your workflow. Discover: macOS
Virtual File System (VFS) API† Standard Professional Enables third parties to extend Merge to browse directly, for example, configuration management or version control repositories. Discover: Windows
VFS plugin for Subversion Standard Professional Gives Merge read-only access to files and folders located in Subversion repositories. Use a Merge folder comparison to compare a Subversion client workspace against the depot. Discover: WindowsmacOS
VFS plugin for Perforce Standard Professional Gives Merge read-only access to files and folders located in Perforce depots. Use a Merge folder comparison to compare a Perforce client workspace against the depot. Alternatively, directly compare different branches (or the same branch at different points in time). Discover: WindowsmacOS
VFS FTP plugin† Standard Professional Enables Merge to access files and folders located on an FTP server. For example, use Merge to synchronize a local copy of a website’s content with the main site itself, provided the main site is running an FTP server. Discover: Windows
Reports in HTML and XML format Standard Professional Create reports on folder comparisons for archiving, distribution or export to other applications. A folder comparison report can, optionally, include file comparison reports for some or all of the files involved in the folder comparison. Thus it is possible, in one operation, to generate a report that is a complete record of all the differences in all of the files involved in a folder comparison. This is especially useful in code review and code audit situations. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Bookmarks and comments Standard Professional Mark points of interest. Annotate comparisons with comments and questions, before saving as a single-file archive to be emailed to other team members for review. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Single-file comparison archives Standard Professional Save a comparison to a single file for archival or later review, even on a different machine. Saved folder comparisons include any bookmarks and associated comments that have been created, making it possible to annotate comparisons with questions and comments, before emailing them to other team members for review. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Comparison statistics window Standard Professional See a summary of the current comparison. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Folder synchronization Standard Professional Reconcile differences between folder hierarchies either by copying files from one folder hierarchy to another (or even to a completely separate location) or by launching file comparisons for changed files. Efficiently process entire sets or branches of source code, web pages or other text files. Keep folder hierarchies on different machines (for example, a desktop and a laptop) in sync with one another. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Automatic folder merging Professional Quickly and safely merge changes in two updated revisions of an entire folder hierarchy with a common ancestor (or any other folder hierarchy). Files with conflicting changes are flagged for later manual processing. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Integrated file comparison Standard Professional Identify and reconcile differences within corresponding files as well as between folder hierarchies by launching file comparison windows for selected files. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Printing support Standard Professional Produce a hard copy (or a PDF file on macOS, or on Windows using Adobe Acrobat Distiller) of comparisons for reference or audit. Printed comparisons contain all the highlighting of the on-screen presentation. To save paper, you can choose to print just the pages that contain changes. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Print preview Standard Professional See how a comparison printout will look before committing it to paper. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Visibility filters Standard Professional Show only the files and folders of interest that match criteria you define. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Selection filters Standard Professional Select files and folders of interest that match criteria you define. Enables complex sets of files to be selected for file merging or folder synchronization. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Thorough comparison option Standard Professional Compare corresponding files in folder hierarchies using the criteria (whitespace significance, line ending handling, etc.) defined for file comparisons. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Byte-by-byte comparison option Standard Professional Speed up folder comparisons by comparing corresponding files in folder hierarchies that are larger than a certain size using a quick and memory efficient byte-by-byte comparison algorithm. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Quick comparison option Standard Professional Save time by performing an extremely fast folder comparison using just the sizes and timestamps of corresponding files. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Customize fonts and colours Standard Professional Change the style of presentation to suit your preferences or needs. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Customize printed headers and footers Standard Professional Set the headers and footers of printed pages to suit your requirements. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Drag and drop folders Standard Professional Select folders for comparison by dragging from the Windows Explorer or macOS Finder. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Toolbars or ribbon† Standard Professional Easily access frequently used commands. Discover: WindowsmacOS

† Feature only available on Windows • ‡ Feature only available on macOS


English and Japanese localizations Standard Professional Work with a user interface and documentation fully localized into both English and Japanese.
Comprehensive documentation Standard Professional Quickly find relevant documentation. All documentation is available on the Araxis website and, for those wishing to access it offline, as a downloadable archive. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Full context sensitive help Standard Professional Easily find specific help for the entire product. Context sensitive help is tightly integrated with the main documentation, enabling you to read around a particular topic. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Install/uninstall support Standard Professional Conveniently install and uninstall Merge from your machine. Discover: WindowsmacOS
Customizable toolbar‡ Standard Professional Keep toolbars uncluttered with only the buttons that you need. Discover: macOS

‡ Feature only available on macOS



Mac OS X

Identify, view and manage the folders & files consuming your drive space. 


Mac OS X

Find, view and manage files with duplicate content, regardless of name. 


WindowsMac OS X

Take control. Track issues and time. Predict team project schedules. 


Mac OS X

Find and replace across thousands of source, HTML, XML or other text files. 


