UltraEdit v28 文字編輯器

UltraEdit 是理想的程式、HTML 和十六進制編輯器,也是高級PHP、Perl、Java 和JavaScript 程序編輯器。作為行業獎項的獲得者,UltraEdit 在所有32 位Windows 平台上支持基於64 位元文件處理。


UltraEdit 是一款屢獲殊榮的文字編輯器。CNET/Download.com 這樣評論 UltraEdit它具有清晰的佈局及強大的方案和工作區,能處理錯綜複雜的軟體發展專案。儘管它功能龐大,但 UltraEdit 從不給人以笨拙的感覺。它靈活且易於定制,精練的使用者介面便於使用者訪問最重要的選項…”

  • ·         代碼折疊
  • ·         支持在所有 32 Windows 平臺上進行 64 位檔處理(標準)。
  • ·         Unicode 支持
  • ·         基於磁片的文本編輯和大檔處理支援超過 4GB 的檔,即使是數百萬位元組的檔也只佔用極少的記憶體
  • ·         在所有搜索操作(查找、替換、在檔中查找、在檔中替換)中,支援多行查找和替換對話方塊
  • ·         帶有 100,000 個單詞的拼寫檢查器,支持的語種包括英語(美國)、英語(英國)、荷蘭語、芬蘭語、法語、德語、匈牙利語、義大利語、西班牙語和瑞典語
  • ·         語法加亮可配置,對 C/C++VBHTMLJava Perl 作了預配置,並帶有特殊選項用於 FORTRAN LaTex。多個詞語檔可供下載
  • ·         內置 FTP 用戶端以訪問 FTP 伺服器,可設置多個帳戶,並自動登錄和保存。(僅 32 位)包括 SFTPSSH2)支持
  • ·         SSH/Telnet 窗口
  • ·         方案/工作區支持
  • ·         環境選擇器提供預定義的或用戶創建的編輯環境,能記住 UltraEdit 的所有可停靠視窗、工具列等的狀態,方便使用者使用。
  • ·         集成指令碼語言以自動執行任務
  • ·         可配置鍵盤映射
  • ·         /塊模式編輯
  • ·         十六進位編輯器可以編輯任何二進位檔案,並顯示二進位和 ASCII 視圖
  • ·         命名的範本
  • ·         HTML 工具列,對常用的 HTML 功能作了預配置
  • ·         網路搜索工具列:高亮顯示文本並按一下網路搜索工具列按鈕,從編輯器內啟動搜索加亮詞語
  • o    Google 搜索
  • o    Yahoo 搜索
  • o    Wikipedia
  • o    Dictionary.com
  • o    Thesaurus.com
  • o    Whois
  • o    Network Solutions Whois
  • o    PHP.net 搜索
  • o    cplusplus.com 搜索
  • o    MSDN 線上搜索
  • ·         檔加密/解密
  • o    使用自己的金鑰加密敏感的原始程式碼檔
  • o    UltraSentry 集成(可選)以安全地銷毀原始未加密檔
  • o    僅在 UltraEdit 內解密文件
  • ·         UltraSentry 集成,以安全刪除 UltraEdit 暫存檔案。
  • ·         支援多位元組和集成的 IME



Do you code in SAS, Assembly languages, COBOL, Lisp, Oracle or MATLAB? In addition to the many languages we support by default, we also maintain a repository of over 600 wordfiles available at your disposal, including many obscure programming languages. From Actionscript to zMUD, we have you covered!


Editor themes give you complete control of the appearance of the application, from menus to dockable panes, from toolbars and editor colors to status bar styling and more. UltraEdit comes with many default themes, but you can create your own and share with other users as well.


Want a simpler interface? Layouts provide this in just one click. Go from a powerful multi-window layout to a sleek and clean minimalistic layout without having to manually disable each pane and toolbar! Create your own layouts or use one of our preconfigured defaults.

整合 FTP客戶端

Open, modify, and save files from any remote server! With support for FTP, SFTP, and FTPS protocols and a vast array of server types, UltraEdit provides one of the most powerful FTP clients available in any editor available. You can even add FTP files to your projects and lists and sync local and remote directories.


Diff local to remote, working copy to source copy, current version to backup and more with UltraCompare Lite! Included as an integrated diff/compare utility, UC Lite gives you the power to quickly diff files directly from UltraEdit. For more power, check out UltraCompare Professional.


Find anything with UltraEdit’s powerful and easy-to-use Find and Replace engine! Search huge log files, generate a list of all lines containing your search string, do pattern-based find and replace with regular expression support, search in columns and selected text, save your search favorites, replace in a single file or all open files, show and hide lines containing a particular string, and a whole lot more.


Maximize the power of UltraEdit’s find/replace engine with Find in Files and Replace in Files! Quickly search any folder or drive on your system and generate a list or report of what files contain your search string. Use Replace in Files to quickly replace data in multiple files at once.


File management is a breeze with UltraEdit’s integrated file and project explorer! Create projects to organize your source files and folders and link them with remote FTP sites. Use the integrated file tree view to quickly browse through, filter, and open files on your system. Create custom lists for your favorite files and more.


Smart templates provide a seamless blend of code completion, auto-expanding text, and context sensitive auto-complete. With Smart Templates, you can set up language-specific code templates and insert them based upon what kind of source file you’re editing. Additionally, smart templates allow you to add as many custom variables to your template as you’d like, then tab through them upon insertion in order to complete the template.

XML 管理者

Access a parsed tree-style view of your XML-based files including XHTML! The XML manager provides you with a visual map of the active file with collapsible parent/child nodes. Double click on a node to jump to it in the file. Edit, move, copy, and delete nodes, or even reformat entire XML files – all within the XML manager.


Need to jump quickly to a function definition from a reference in your source file? No problem with the function list. Beyond functions, the function list can show you includes, imports, variables, macros, classes, and more… virtually anything you want it to. Using Perl regular expressions to match objects in source, the function list can be configured to show you anything you want!


Column mode allows you to select a column of text just like you would a row of text. In column mode, you can select, modify, cut, delete, and sum columns. You can quickly make a block selection with Alt + left mouse click to select a column of data.

XML / HTML 標籤突出顯示

Work with HTML or XML? You’ll love UltraEdit’s handy automatic tag highlighting. Simply click on an opening or closing tag and UltraEdit will highlight its matching tag…incredibly useful for making sure all your tags are properly nested and closed.


UltraEdit takes the pain out of HTML editing with a variety of HTML tools at your disposal. The HTML toolbar provides access to several time saving tools for inserting HTML elements, and you can preview your HTML files in your default browser or directly in the edit pane! Tidy and beautify your HTML as well with UltraEdit’s integrated HTML Tidy and HTML validation.

Macros 和腳本

Automate editing tasks with UltraEdit’s integrated macro and scripting support. Macros consist of a simple list of basic edit commands, while scripting provides a more programmatical approach via the power of Javascript. Make sure to check out our downloads of user-submitted macros and scripts too!

SSH / Telnet

Connect to and run commands on a remote server via SSH or telnet with UltraEdit’s integrated SSH/telnet pane! With account management and command logging, you can interact with your remote server without ever having to leave the editor.


Need to open gigantic log files? No problem! UltraEdit provides 64-bit file handling, even on 32-bit systems, so you can easily open files much larger than 4 GB. Need more speed? Disable temp files for faster file loading. Since UltraEdit reads files directly from disk, they open immediately – no waiting for the editor to load it into memory!




UltraCompare: powerful file and folder compare

With support for 3-way compare, folder sync, Excel file compare, and a lot more.

UltraCompare專業版是一款/文檔對比工具,它具有對比文本文檔,資料夾,文本資料,以及壓縮檔和jar檔的功能.UltraCompare 可以實現 文本對比, 二進位文檔對比 以及實現進行對比的文檔間的 不同點的整合. 你有一些資料夾需要進行對比嗎? UltraCompare也可以實現資料夾對比 – 包括當地/網路目錄對比,壓縮文檔對比和FTP對比.UltraCompare支援自動簡單的資料夾同步化, 而且也支持 複製文檔finder.



UEStudio – built upon the world’s best text editor, UltraEdit.

UEStudio delivers additional features for teams and developers – like deep Git integration.

UEStudio 包括 UltraEdit 的所有功能,以及對超過 30 種流行編譯器(包括 Microsoft Visual C++JavaGNU C/C++PHPPerl 和其他 30 多種編譯器)的本機支持、集成調試器、集成 VCS 版本控制、內置類流覽、語言智慧(類似於 Intellisense)、項目轉換器和批生產器這些只是高級功能中的一部分。請立即下載免費試用版,開始構建自己的專案,並在全球最佳文字編輯器 UltraEdit 的堅實基礎上充分發揮完整 IDE 的功能!

UltraFinder: Find text in files. Find & remove duplicates. Fast.

Search 2,000,000+ files in minutes

UltraFinder is your personal search engine for your PC, network, and remote servers!

在您的硬碟、共享網路容量上、可移動驅動上,甚至遠端FTP / SFTP伺服器上尋找任何需要的文件、文字、文本字符串、圖案、重複文件以及其他所有內容! UltraFinder是一款快速輕量級的Windows搜索程式,旨在隨時隨地尋找文件中的文本。 UltraFinder還允許您尋找重複、消除或刪除重複選項,從而保持計算機清潔和整潔,同時節省硬碟空間。用各種設定搜索自己的方式,將您的搜索調整成完美。Windows操作系統提供有限的尋找選項 – UltraFinder包括快速且易於使用的模式,可用於在需要時尋找所需內容:查找文件和查找重複選項。

UltraFTP: a secure Windows 64-bit FTP client

Easily manage multiple sites, sessions, and more.

UltraFTP: 64-bit, UHD, native Unicode, easy to look at, and fun to use.

UltraFTP是一個基於其他IDM應用程式框架(如UltraEdit和UltraCompare)的個人獨立FTP客戶端。考慮到最大的可用性和性能,UltraFTP提供完整的主題支援、會話支援、瀏覽器界面,拖放轉換等。更好的是,UltraFTP與UltraEdit / UEStudio,UltraCompare和UltraFinder整合,可在本地和遠端系統上提供無縫編輯和發布體驗。UltraFTP支援FTP,SFTP和FTPS協議。


