Themida 軟體保護系統




Latest Version:3.1 | Latest Release: | Release Date: 27-Apr-2021


Figure 1: Compilation of your source code

以編譯時將應用程式的源代碼轉換為機器代碼的相同方式,有一些工具可將已編譯的應用程式轉換為彙編語言或更高級的程式語言。 這些工具被稱為解密器和解編譯器。

Figure 2: Decompilation of your application

攻擊者可以使用拆裝器或解編譯器來研究特定應用程式的工作方式以及特定例程的作用。 當攻擊者對目標應用程式有很好的了解時,他可以修改已編譯的應用程式來改變他的行為。例如,攻擊者可以繞過在應用程序中檢查試用期的例程,並使其永久運作,甚至導致應用程序的行為與註冊一樣。

建立軟體保護程式以防止攻擊者直接檢查或修改已編譯的應用程式。 軟體保護器就像是一個可以保護應用程式不受可能攻擊的屏蔽。當受保護的應用程式將由操作系統運作時,軟體保護程式將首先控制CPU並檢查可能在系統上運作的可能破解工具(拆裝器或解編譯器。如果一切安全,軟體保護程式將繼續解密受保護的應用程式,並使其能夠正常執行對CPU的控制。


  •  保護應用程式免受盜版
  •  防止攻擊者研究應用程序的運作方式
  • 不允許攻擊者修改應用程式以改變其行為


Figure 3: Common software protectors philosophy



透過Themida®,我們集中了軟體保護器的主要弱點,從而解決提供完整的解決方案。 Themida®使用SecureEngine®保護技術,當運作在最高級別時,實現從未見過的保護技術,以保護應用程式免受高級軟體破解。

Figure 4: Themida® protection procedure


Figure 5: SecureEngine® technology adds more strength to the existing protection






These are the key features of Themida®:

Anti-debugger techniques that detect/fool any kind of debugger
Anti-memory dumpers techniques for any Ring3 and Ring0 dumpers
Different encryption algorithms and keys in each protected application
Anti-API scanners techniques that avoids reconstruction of original import table
Automatic decompilation and scrambling techniques in target application
Virtual Machine emulation in specific blocks of code
Advanced Mutator engine
SDK communication with protection layer 
Anti-disassember techniques for any static and interactive disassemblers 
Multiple polymorphic layers with more than 50.000 permutations
Advanced API-Wrapping techniques
Anti-monitors techniques against file and registry monitors
Random garbage code insertion between real instructions
Specialized protection threads
Advanced Threads network communication
Anti-Memory patching and CRC techniques in target application
Metamorphic engine to scramble original instructions
Advanced Entry point protection 
Dynamic encryption in target application
Anti-tracing code insertion between real instructions
Advanced Anti-breakpoint manager
Real time protection in target application
Compression of target application, resources and protection code
Anti-“debugger hiders” techniques 
Full mutation in protection code to avoid pattern recognition
Real-time simulation in target application
Intelligent protection code insertion inside target application
Random internal data relocation
Possibility to customize dialogs in protected application
Support of command line
Many many more…



     Themida x32/x64 protects:
      Native EXE x32/x64
      Native Dynamic Libraries x32/x64 (DLL, OCX, BPL, etc.)
      .NET EXE x32/x64 (C#, VB.NET, etc.)

     Themida x32 protects:
      Native EXE x32
      Native Dynamic Libraries x32 (DLL, OCX, BPL, etc.)
      .NET EXE x32 (C#, VB.NET, etc.)




Combines the power of software protection (as Themida), with the power of advanced license control. It offers a wide range of powerful and flexible techniques that allow developers to securely distribute trial versions of their applications.

Code Virtualizer®


Powerful code obfuscation system for Windows, Linux and Mac OS X applications that helps developers to protect their sensitive code areas against Reverse Engineering with very strong obfuscation code, based on code virtualization.

WL Orders Manager®


Simple and effective database application that helps software vendors managing their orders, customers, licenses, emails, subscriptions, etc. It can work with an embedded local database or with a remote MySQL database. It supports UNICODE. 



Special plugin for Themida/WinLicense that allows DLLs and data files to be embedded inside an application, simplifying the distribution of your application to your customers and avoiding your DLLs and data files being used by third party software. 

WinLicense DLL Control®


Special plugin for WinLicense that allows you taking full control over your protected applications and offers total freedom in your software design.


