Scanner Pro SDK ActiveX 影像掃描元件

Scanner Pro SDK ActiveX 9.5是一套群昱公司代理的影像掃描元件,此軟體適用於Windows開發人員需要從掃描儀捕獲圖像者。

    Scanner Pro SDK ActiveX 9.5

Platform : Windows 10, Windows 8, Vista, Windows 7, XP

For Windows Developers who need to capture image from scanner, digital camera that has a TWAIN device driver and save to Docx, TIFF , PDF/A with C#, C++ ,VB.NET , VB, Delphi, VFP, MS Access.

Scanner Pro.png

What’s New

Version 9.5 (4 April 2021 released)  

l   added support page panning with the mouse, scroll by grabbing the page with the left mouse button.

l   added support open XPS (Open XML Paper Specification), OXPS file. (load a XPS, OXPS need add-ons Advanced PDF Viewer Plugin ) 

l   added EnablePanning property, enable/disable the page panning. 

l   fixed open some PDF files cannot display the text content and fixed show the incorrect margin.

l   updated PDF engine, now the quality will better.

l   updated VB6, VB.NET 2010, VB.NET 2019, C# 2010, C# 2019, VFP \’s General, LoadImage samples.

Key Features

  • Scanning automatically without any user interaction , save to to a multipage TIFF or PDF until the ADF tray is empty.
  • Use an automated document feeder (ADF) for single and multi-page scanning.
  • Has ability to detect paper jam event.
  • Capture images from all the TWAIN compliant scanner and webcam devices and save to Microsoft Word ( docx ), PDF, BMP, GIF, JPEG, JPEG 2000, PCX, PNG, PSD, TIF, TGA, PGX, RAS, PNM image files.
  • Support add texts to specific page when save to multi-page Microsoft Word ( docx ) file.
  • Support load images file (BMP, JPG, GIF, PNG, Multi-page TIFF, PDF) from hard drive. (load a PDF need add-ons Advanced PDF Viewer Module )
  • Support Blank Page detection, Get the Confidence value of specific page.(Use Confidence value can handle different blank page condition)
  • Support use JPEG compression, adjust quality when save to PDF/A file, (Save, SaveBySize, SaveAllPage2PDF, OCR2SearchableMultipagePDF methods ) . It can output small file size of PDF/A file.
  • Support convert scanned images to 1bbp, 4bbp, 8bpp, 8bpp Grayscale, 24bpp, 32bpp, 32ARGB bpp, it can reduce the output file image size. e.g. PDF, TIF files.
  • Support PDF Annotation before save to PDF/A file, add fonts, images, draw text, rotated text , line, rectangle to PDF file.
  • Support save as multipage TIFF ( JPEG, Packbits, LZW, CCITT G.3 and G.4 compression) and multipage PDF or PDF/A file. With JPEG compression of TIFF file, it can reduce file size of TIFF file.
  • Support save as 1bpp, 4bpp, 8bpp, 24bpp TIFF file.
  • Support securing a PDF document using 40 bit, 128 bit RC4 encryption and owner, user password.
  • Support adjust standard PDF permissions: Printing, High Quality Printing, Changing the document, Content copying or extraction, Filling of form fields, Content extraction for accessibility, Document assembly.
  • Has ability to enable/disable progress bar when scanning.
  • Has ability to adjust the scanner image resolution (DPI).
  • Has ability to adjust the scanner capture area.
  • Has ability to enable/disable duplex scanning.
  • read 1D and 2D barcodes in images. Supported UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-8, EAN-13, Code 39, Code 93, Code 128, ITF, Codabar, MSI, RSS-14 (all variants), QR Code, Data Matrix, Aztec and PDF-417. Automatic barcode type detection, Read multiple barcodes at any orientation. High-speed barcode recognition and return sureness value of each detected barcode. (need add-ons Barcode Reader Module ) 
  • Optical Character Recognition – OCR scanned image to multipage Unicode searchable PDF/A , memory text or text file. (need add-ons OCR Module )
  • Perform OCR processes an entire page or only specific areas in a page. Support for more than 50 languages such as Arabic, Chinese, French, Japanese, Indonesian, Hebrew, Russian, Korean, Polish, Thai, Vietnamese… (need add-ons OCR Module )
  • Retrieve Recognized character location and confidence. (need add-ons OCR Module)
  • Support character filter for recognize only digits, only upper case, lower case character or specific character. (need add-ons OCR Module)
  • Has ability to adjust the scanner pixel type, True color, B/W Color, Gray color.
  • Has ability to work with automatic document feeders ( ADF ) scanner devices.
  • Has ability to Draw multi-line text on image and provide over 50 different text styles.
  • write binary data types for storage of images embedded in the database table. e.g. Access, SQL Server, Oracle, MySQL.
  • Delete specific scanned page before save to image file.
  • Adjust brightness, Contrast, Gamma, Hue, Saturation of scanned image file.
  • Zoom in, Zoom out, Rotate the image files.
  • Has ability add text to an image when printing.
  • Provide User Define Display Area.
  • User Define Zoom in or Zoom out value.
  • Include delphi, c# 2015, c# 2010, Access, VB.Net 2015, VB.Net 2010, Visual Basic , Visual C and Visual FoxPro sample code.
  • Compatible with any programming language that supports ActiveX (Access, Visual C , Visual Basic , Visual Foxpro, Delphi, .Net, etc.).
  • Royalty free distribution of the OCX File. 



