PDF-XChange PRO V9 PDF 編輯軟體 (中文版)

PDF-XChange PRO是終極PDF解決方案,軟體封包結合了Tracker軟體三個最暢銷的應用程式:PDF檔開啟檢視、PDF檔修改工具、PDF檔案編輯軟體。


PDF-XChange PROPDF的終極解決方案。這是一個優惠組合包,它結合了Tracker軟體所提供的三個最暢銷應用程序: 

          PDF-XChange Editor Plus:

一個非常動態和完全可客製化的PDF應用程序。它可以用來創建、查看、編輯、註釋、OCR和簽署PDF文件─而且這還只是最基本的。如果您使用PDF,那麼這個完全可客製化的產品將優化您的工作流程,創造其他產品無法達到的水準。您可從掃描的文檔、圖像、文本文件,Markdown文件等等創建PDF文件,打開、編輯和轉換Microsoft Office文檔。利用三十多種工具來協助創建文檔評論、做出註釋或者鏈接和可填寫的表單。這些工具使得編輯PDF成為一個精心調整且精確的過程,可以生成最高質量的文檔和圖像文件,且我們的用戶友善操作功能,可以滿足從新手到專業人士的所有從業者的需求。


它是創建和操作PDF和圖像文件的全球領導者。操作上高度用戶友善,它可以用來轉換幾乎任何格式的文件到/from PDF。利用51種內置的標準工具,可以根據您的需求來執行複這些工具的多變性功能。使用”Actions Library”完全自行定義您的工具和工具動作序列,以確定它們執行操作的順序。結合五十五個可用的操作來創建您自己的工具─意即創造數十億種可能性。 PDF-Tools與大型PDF文件兼容,也可以同時處理大量文件,批量轉換是其優勢。

          PDF-XChange Standard:

它是Tracker Software最暢銷的虛擬印表機─它用來創建和虛擬列印行業標準PDF文件的最終應用程序。它與來自幾乎所有Windows應用程序(例如WordExcelAutoCAD)的文件兼容,並具有優化的引擎,用於圖像和基於圖像的文本字符的極好轉換。考慮到它們的質量,它創建的文件非常小,允許更快的上傳/下載,減少存儲空間並增加數據保留,即使在高水平的壓縮。 PDF-XChange Standard還具有MS Office集成功能,可提供額外的功能,如添加可點擊的目錄表和嵌入式URL支持,以便於創建外部鏈接。



Tracker Software宣布PDF-XChange產品系列的第七版已於01/12/2017發布。


PDF-XChange PRO已經進行了以下改進和改進:

PDF-Xchange Editor:




7版包括19個新工具,Actions Library中的13個新動作,監視文件夾功能,監視文件夾並對移入文件的工具執行工具操作;工具報告功能,提供工具操作的分步細目以及一系列附加功能和改進,例如擴展的OCR選項和輸入文件調用,這些功能可記住用於工具操作的文件,以便在許多工具操作中使用同一組文件的情況下加快進程。


PDF-Xchange Standard:

版本7具有混合轉換引擎,可以同時列印到GPIXPS – 這可以從用於列印的應用程序中決定。

另外,我們所有的產品現在都支持MRC(混合光柵內容)和在64位環境中使用TWAIN 32位掃描儀。


Hybrid Conversion Engine


PDF-XChange Standard經過重新設計,現在具有可同時列印到GDI和XPS的更快,高度優化的混合轉換引擎。 還引入了驅動程式規則,可為特定列印應用程式指定GPI / XPS列印。

Use Dynamic Options to Enhance PDF Files


利用靈活的輸出選項,利用批次轉換同時轉換多個文件,建立觀察目錄使MS Office檔案自動轉換為PDF,並將檔案移動到特定位置以PDF格式等等。


Update PDF Files



General Settings




Graphics Settings


Use the Graphics settings to determine the resolution (DPI) for document images, or convert them into different image formats. Avail of Linear, Bilinear or Bicubic downsamplling options, and set conversion options as desired.

Bookmarks Settings


Use the Bookmarks settings to determine bookmark parameters in printed documents. Set options for multi-line bookmarks, bookmark roots and the manner in which bookmarks display and are categorized.


Document Information Settings


Use the Document Into settings to determine PDF information in printed documents. Add XMP Metadata such as the Title, Subject, Author and Keywords to printed documents.

Default File Append Settings


Use the Default File Append settings to append/prepend an existing file to printed documents. 


Create Customized Printing Profiles


Use the Profiles feature to save personalized settings for subsequent use.

MS Office Toolbar Add-in

MS Office 工具欄加載

PDF-XChange Standard installs its toolbar automatically and creates a tab in MS Office programs on your computer. This enables a quick and convenient method to access the functionality of PDF-XChange Standard and convert MS Office files to PDF format.


Batch Convert MS Office Files

MS Office 檔案批量轉換

Batch convert MS Office and HTML files with the Office2PDF feature. Additionally, use the Watched Directories feature to have MS Office files that are saved in specified directories automatically converted into PDF.

Rescale and/or Resize Pages


Use the n-UP Printing Mode to rescale and place multiple pages on each printed sheet. Alternatively, use the enhanced visual layout previewer to resize pages via the preferences options.

Convert and Archive Files


Feel the difference: our latest build features improved image/image text character conversion that our reengineered and optimized conversion engine makes possible. We have also introduced support for several additional PDF/A formats, which makes long-term archiving possible whilst maintaining high levels of quality. 

Booklet Mode


Use the Booklet layout to print booklets and similar documents. Customize sheet size, sheets in signature and gutter size options as desired. Avail of predefined options such as the Brochure layout and the Bookoption, which features double-sided printing.


CJK Fonts Support

CJK 字體免費支援

PDF-XChange Standard supports Chinese, Japanese and Korean fonts and character sets.

Create Interactive Adobe Acroforms

創造互動Adobe Acroforms

Use the Toolbar Add-In and MSWord 2003 to convert MS Web forms and create interactive Adobe Acroforms.


Use a Termianl Server


PDF-XChange Standard is Citrix Metaframe/Terminal Server certified.

MRC (Mixed Raster Content) Support

MRC (Mixed Raster Content) Support

PDF-XChange Standard now supports Mixed Raster Content, which significantly improves the compression quality of images that contain both binary-compressible text and continuous-tone components. 


Customize Your Experience


Create user profiles, determine UI language, set font and downsampling options, paper settings, custom form options, optimization, compression, resolution and scaling settings.


PDF-XChange Pro supports all Windows (32/64 bit) operating systems from Windows XP** and later.

Version 5 (2012): Microsoft/Citrix Terminal Server compatible*.
Version 4: Microsoft/Citrix Terminal Server compatible*.
Version 3: Still available for Windows 95 and later.

* Note: Though many users have virtualized some of our component products such as the PDF-XChange Viewer and PDF-Tools application using XenApp, we do not support this at this time. Particularly the printer drivers are not designed to work in a virtualized environment.

** Limitations to product support for Windows XP

To experience the best performance of our products on all Windows operating systems, the onus is on users to ensure that they have all the latest available Microsoft Windows Service Packs & Updates installed.


