jqwidgets 前端元件開發工具庫

jQWidgets是一個基於jQuery、JavaScript的綜合性和創新性的HTML5 UI組件庫,旨在幫助開發者創建專業、跨平台的Web應用程式,並最大限度的節省開發時間。jQWidgets包含30多種UI組件,是最快的JavaScript UI框架之一。



高級JavaScript,jQuery和HTML5 UI框架

jQWidgets為構建專業網站和移動應用程序提供了全面的解決方案。它完全基於HTML5,CSS,JavaScript和jQuery等開放標準和技術構建。jQWidgets支持響應式Web開發,可幫助您創建在台式機,平板電腦和智能手機上看起來漂亮的應用和網站。您可以將jQWidgets與TypeScript,流行框架(如Angular,Vue,React,KnockoutJS)和服務器端技術(如ASP.NET MVC,PHP,JSP和Node.js)一起使用 



jQWidgets Vue UI組件

適用於Vue應用程序的功能完整的UI組件。該工具包包含60多個可與Vue一起使用的用戶界面組件。我們的Vue組件有27個標準主題,包括流行的Bootstrap和Material主題。您可以在此處了解有關在Vue中使用jQWidgets的更多信息:jQWidgets Vue UI Components 

jQWidgets React UI組件

jQWidgets是最完整的框架,為React提供了60多個JS UI組件。您可以在此處了解有關將JQWidgets與React JavaScript Library一起使用的更多信息:jQWidgets React UI Components 

jQWidgets ASP.NET MVC核心標記助手庫

jQWidgets為ASP.NET MVC Core提供了一套全面的UI Tag Helpers。jQWidgets TagHelpers UI庫包含70多個UI控件,這些UI控件包含本機HTML5 JavaScript控件。ASP.NET MVC TagHelpers Framework的API與相應的JavaScript API 100%兼容。了解有關在ASP.NET MVC核心標記助手中使用jQWidgets的更多信息



Website License

  • For 1 developer and 1 website
  • Perpetual and royalty free
  • Standard Support
  • Includes all UI widgets, technical support and updates to newer versions for 1 year

Developer License

  • For 1 developer and unlimited number of projects
  • Perpetual and royalty free
  • Source code
  • Premium Support
  • Includes all UI widgets, technical support and updates to newer versions for 1 year

Team License

  • For growing teams with 5 or more developers within one company and unlimited number of projects. The final price is based on team size.
  • Perpetual and royalty free
  • Source code
  • Platinum Support
  • Includes all UI widgets, technical support and updates to newer versions for 1 year

Enterprise, OEM and Group Enterprise Licenses

  • These licenses are suitable for large organizations with multiple subsidiaries and affiliates or companies interested in OEM licensing options.
  • Customized agreements
  • Source code
  • Platinum Support
  • Includes all UI widgets, technical support and updates to newer versions for 1 year



jQWidgets is a comprehensive and innovative widget library built on top of the jQuery JavaScript Library. It empowers developers to deliver professional, cross-browser compatible web applications, while significantly minimizing their development time. jQWidgets contains more than 60 UI widgets and is one of the fastest growing JavaScript UI frameworks on the Web.


  • Feature complete UI widgets.
  • Works on PC, Touch and Mobile Devices.
  • Rich functionality and great performance.
  • Angular 7 Components.
  • Vue Components.
  • React JS and React TSX Components.
  • AngularJS Directives.
  • Custom Elements.
  • Typescript Definitions.
  • ASP .NET and ASP .NET MVC integration and how-to demos.
  • Java integration and how-to demos.
  • PHP integration and how-to demos.
  • PhoneGap Integration.
  • WordPress and Joomla Integration.
  • 60+ UI widgets, 30+ Charts, 1200+ code samples are provided to accelerate your learning.
  • Search-engine friendly.
  • Guaranteed 24h support time for licensed developers Mon-Fri.
  • Outstanding technical assistance provided by software developers.
  • Free fully functional Download and upgrades for a full calendar year.
  • Chart Studio – cloud solution for visual editing and hosting of interactive charts.
  • jsEditor – cloud solution for JavaScript, HTML and CSS editing, hosting and sharing your web development ideas.
  • Easy CSS styling and online Theme Builder tool.
  • Ready to use, built-in Themes.
  • Unique and completely customizable architecture for JQuery widgets.
  • Integration tutorials for Bootstrap, RequireJS, BreezeJS, KnockoutJS.
  • AngularJS, jQuery Mobile, WordPress, Joomla and more.

High quality standards

Most JavaScript and jQuery widgets don’t integrate well with each other. They often lack features, contain bugs and require a lot time to properly fit into a real project. In contrast, jQWidgets provides professionally developed and feature complete widgets that seamlessly integrate with each other and deliver a consistent, high quality look & feel. All widgets are tested on multiple devices and browsers to ensure maximum compatibility.

Easy to Use

Browse over 1200 online demos of our Web UI widgets. All demos come with full source code and are presented in multiple different themes. If you want to build your own theme, you can use our Theme Builder. Our widgets feature intuitive API and come with getting started documentation. If you have a question, please feel free to contact us at [email protected], [email protected] or [email protected]. We offer free support from Monday-Friday during your 30-days evaluation period.


jQWidgets is evolving quickly. Our development schedule is very aggressive and we are committed to equip you with the best tools for HTML5, JavaScript and jQuery User Interface development. We aim to respond quickly to your requests, and to adapt our plans to optimize quality. Based on customer feedback and demands, we may prioritize the development of new features and new widgets. The plan for the next 3 months can be found here: Roadmap. jQWidgets also offers the most aggressive release schedule in the industry with four major releases guaranteed per year.

Works on PC, Touch and Mobile Devices

jQWidgets takes the JavaScript & HTML UI development to a new level. It is platform independent, cross-browser compatible and works on PC and mobile devices. With jQWidgets, you can target new devices such as tablets and smartphones by using the extensive range of touch enabled jQuery Widgets. The jQWidgets framework automatically detects the device type, capabilities and browser version, and adjusts the internal behavior for optimal rendering and best user experience.

Optimized for performance

jQWidgets is built with performance in mind. It is small in size, highly modular and extensible. Individual widgets and themes can be loaded on demand to further optimize the download time and save memory. All widgets are optimized for optimal user experience on smart phones, tablets and PCs running different operating systems and browsers.

Powerful framework. Unique features

jQWidgets is not a modified version of the jQuery UI toolkit. All widgets are designed from ground-up and based on a powerful common core. The framework core provides fundamental capabilities like support for widget extensions and inheritance, widget settings, internal event handling and routing, property change notifications, device and browser compatibility detection and adjustments.

Browser Support & Mobile Device Compatibility

jQWidgets is ready for a wide range of touch and mobile devices. The framework automatically detects the device type, capabilities and browser version, and adjusts the internal behavior for optimal rendering and best user experience. The product supports all major desktop and mobile web browsers – Internet Explorer 7.0+, Firefox 2.0+, Safari 3.0+, Opera 9.0+, Google Chrome, IE Mobile, Android, Opera Mobile, Mobile Safari(IPhone, IPad).

Theme Builder

jQWidgets comes with multiple built-in and cross-browser compatible themes. They are everything you need to build awesome-looking applications with consistent look and feel. To help you build new themes, we have developed a Theme Builder tool.

Royalty Free Licensing

jQWidgets never charges royalties or per-server deployment fees. Full Source code is available with most licenses. For more information about the licensing options, visit License.

Version: 8.0.0
Release Date: May, 2019
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