WinZip 25 Edition 旗艦型壓縮軟體(繁體中文版)

WinZip 是一款相當知名的壓縮軟體,可直接連結 SkyDrive、Dropbox、Google Drive、Facebook、Twitter 和 LinkedIn。


Zip and Unzip the Files You Need Easily

Open all major file formats
The World’s #1 Compression Utility Software

  • Unzip all major file formats
  • Zip files to reduce email attachment size
  • Protect files with banking-level encryption
  • Access and manage files on your PC, network and clouds
  • Connect to Dropbox, Google Drive, OneDrive and more…


WinZip’s Fastest Version Ever

WinZip has released its fastest, biggest version ever with WinZip 24. Unlike other file compression tools, WinZip doesn’t just zip and unzip files – it offers an all-in-one solution for securing, storing and sharing files. Use WinZip’s strong AES encryption to protect confidential files as you zip.

What’s New in WinZip 25?
  • NEW! Identify and remove clutter with automatic scans.
  • NEW! Combine multiple PDFs into one file.
  • NEW! Enjoy better performance with large zip files.
  • NEW! Use the built-in search to find files locally or in the cloud.


 WinZip 24 Pro Edition 

提供您 WinZip Standard 的所有功能加上…
✓ 燒錄檔案至 CD/DVD/藍光光碟並可輕鬆上傳至 FTP
✓ 以完整功能的內建影像檢視器在壓縮檔內查看檔案
✓ 以便利的精靈自動化資料備份
✓ 設定或停用可用的加密方法
✓ 直接自相機壓縮檔案


