Virtual Serial Port Driver 虛擬串列驅動工具

Virtual Serial Port Driver是一套群昱公司代理的虛擬串列驅動工具,可以用來模擬兩台電腦COM Port之間的通訊。


Virtual Serial Port Driver
Create virtual COM ports like real ones

此工具旨在建立虛擬COM端口並將它們配對以進行串行通信。Virtual null modem確保從其中一個應用程式發送的訊息被其他應用程式立即接收,如果您的桌機或筆記型電腦沒有硬體接口,則虛擬COM端口非常方便 – 大部分電腦都沒有;即使你的電腦有一個,可能也不夠!此外,這些端口可以幫助您在工作場所擺脫電纜和電線。擬真和硬體端口具有相同的設定並以相同的方式運作。如果您購買OEM授權,您可以將其整合到您自己的應用程式中。
virtual serial part driver


Virtual Serial Port Driver main features



With sufficient hardware capacity, you can create as many ports as you wish. Emulated ports are listed in the Control panel app that displays all of your system hardware. To regulate access to your virtual ports, set up access rights.



Recreate settings of physical ports so your virtual ports are no different from real ones – their behaviour won’t be different either. Technologies used support WDM, PnP, WMI and Power Management, etc., as well as API COM and Windows messages.



Virtual serial ports created with Virtual Serial Ports Driver emulate and support all standard hardware signal lines (DTR/DSR, RTS/CTS, RING, ERROR, DCD, etc.). As in real null modem connection, DTR of the local port is connected to DSR and DCD of the remote port, and RTS of the local port is connected to CTS of the remote port. Moreover, you can choose loopback pinout or create custom one depending on your hardware configuration.


Virtual Serial Port Driver PRO 主要特色

Virtual Serial Port Driver PRO is a useful and complete software that operates based on the functionality of Virtual Serial Port Driver. It’s a program that allows one to create virtual COM port bundles and create custom port parameters, meaning that the solution can be deployed in a range of scenarios. Virtual Serial Port Driver PRO makes it possible for you to manage real and virtual COM ports in a stress-free manner.



Virtual Serial Port Driver PRO makes it possible to split physical serial ports such as COM 1 into multiple virtual COM ports such as COM2, COM3, COM4, etc. they show up in the system as the replica of hardware serial interface. Also, the software allows the sharing of lots of hardware serial ports among multiple applications. The virtual COM port software helps you in the linking of multiple virtual COM ports to a single real physical port. When a serial application is connected to this real COM port, it will receive data from all connected virtual COM ports at the same time.




This standout feature which is available in the PRO version of this virtual com port driver allows the creation and managing of complex bundles of serial ports. This implies that you can transmit data in and out through a limitless number of physical and virtual COM interfaces. When serial data is received by the ‘IN’ side, it is redirected to all COM ports at the ‘OUT’ side of a bundle and vice versa. 

More importantly, setting up Main Port for each side of a bundle (In/Out), makes it easy to manage hardware control lines.




In case your application only supports a few ports, a switcher can be used. A switcher is a critical component of Virtual Serial Port Driver PRO. This option makes it possible to connect multiple physical ports into one virtual port, and then in the required app, set up a switcher to this virtual COM port. 

If there’s a time your program requires a serial port connection, the switcher easily senses the availability of a COM port that is not in use in the list of connected ports and presents it to the app. This implies that your program will interact automatically with free serial ports as though the ports were always unchanged.




Virtual Serial Port Driver PRO’s new advanced functionality allows you to add a limitless number of physical and virtual COM ports to only one serial bundle not separated into ‘IN’ and “OUT’ sides. All information sent to the port is replicated to every other real and virtual port within the bundle. This feature ensures that all applications or devices can exchange data with multiple applications or devices at the same time.


Demo version limitations

• 14-day fully-functional trial

System Requirements

Windows (32-bit and 64-bit): XP(only Standard)/2003(only Standard)/2008/ Vista/7/8/10, Windows Server 2012, Windows Server 2016


